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Thoughts for Thursday (12/23/2021)- End of the Year Thoughts

Hello All! I know I haven't had the time to post an official "Thoughts for Thursday" in several weeks, but I didn't want to let today go by without at least a brief visit and a few Holiday Thoughts. First- let me get some business out of the way: We are open today from 10am to 6pm, Tomorrow (Christmas Eve) from 10am to 2pm, and yes, we will be Closed on Saturday (Christmas Day). Shocking I know. If you waited until Saturday morning to get your shopping done, try Walgreens or the gas station. Lottery tickets are always a good choice. It's 2 days until Christmas, 9 days until New Years and if my math is correct, that means only 8 days left in 2021. We seem to be going out a lot like we did in 2020, with so much uncertainty over a new Covid variant, rising infections rates, and a world greatly divided over what to do. You're exhausted from all of this. I am as well. I wish I had an answer on what everyone should do and the right way to deal with the division in our world, but the best I can offer is that we try to do our best, remembering that we need to care about others, even strangers, as we do for ourselves and those we love. I think I recall something about what we do to the least of these... We should probably keep that in mind. I work hard to stay positive (it's not easy, right?)- appreciate what we have (family, friends, health (thank God), and the Holiday Season itself, even if the world isn't the way we would wish it to be right now. I think often of those we have lost and try to make sure we stay as hopeful and cheerful as they would want us to be, even without them here. I'm reminded of a terrible joke that I will share because that's what I do: As my dad was dying, the doctors scrambled to give him a transfusion, but no one could remember his blood type. Be Positive he whispered. But, it's so hard without him now. There you go, we need to balance the serious side with enough irreverance to keep us moving forward. That's what I hope for all of us in the coming year. Acknowledge the reality of where we are and what life brings us, but try to stay positive and make a dumb joke or two along the way. We can get through this, if we look out for each other, reach out when you need a hand, and always, ALWAYS try to be kind. To others, and to yourself. Don't forget, if you're not ok, then you're no good to anyone else either. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Peace and Joy for the rest of 2021 and for the New Year as well.

Uncle Steve

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